52 Essential Inclusion Skills

Adam Romsdahl, 39, Bipolar How would you explain Bipolar to a child? Bipolar is a disease that can cause you to have very strong mood swings. One moment you can be very happy, and then, for what feels like no...
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Anthony Dominguez, 19, Chiari Malformation How would you explain Chiari Malformation to a child? Chiari Malformation is a condition in which the brain tissue extends into the spinal canal. It happens when the skull is too small. It’s not something...
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Gavin Silvestri is an energetic, Bluey-loving five-year-old. He has a rare disease called Lymphatic Malformation. What is Lymphatic Malformation? Lymphatic Malformation is a clump of abnormal lymph vessels that form a growing, disorganized, spongy cluster of cysts. They appear as...
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Baylee Fox, 10, Epilepsy How would you explain Epilepsy to a child? Epilepsy is when something unusual happens in your brain. Your brain is like a very powerful computer. It controls everything you do. When your brain starts sending too...
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Joanne D’Ambrosi, 71, Frontotemporal Dementia How would you explain Dementia to a child? FTD (Frontotemporal Dementia) is a type of dementia. Dementia impacts your ability to recall people, places, memories. What would you want the world to know about Dementia?...
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