52 Essential Inclusion Skills

Benjamin Cruz
Benjamin Cruz, 19, Autism Responses provided by Larry Cruz, age 58, father of Benjamin who is on the autism spectrum and is mostly non-verbal. How would you explain autism to a child? Autism is something that some people are born...
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Emily Skyrm
Emily Skyrm, Dyslexia How would you explain dyslexia to a child? Having dyslexia is like trying to solve a puzzle everyone knows the answer to except for you.  What would you want the world to know about dyslexia? I wish...
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Julie Stamm
Julie Stamm, 43, Immunocompromised/Progressive Multiple Sclerosis How would you explain Immunocompromised/Progressive Multiple Sclerosis to a child? I take special medicine to help me stay strong and able to be the best mother I can be to my son. After I...
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Cindy Locke
Cindy Locke, 52, Multiple Sclerosis How would you explain having Multiple Sclerosis?  I am a Mommy to Carina, who is fourteen years old, and Joshua, who is twelve years old. Carina and Joshua have grown up with a Mommy that...
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DJ Burley
DJ Burley, 7, Asthma How would you explain asthma to a child? Asthma makes it hard to breathe. I need an inhaler when an attack happens. What would you want the world to know about asthma? Just because you have...
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