Book Dr. Jenny Woo

for Conference, Training, Workshop

"What truly distinguishes Dr. Woo is her rich and diverse experiences spanning across lifespans, industries, and disciplines."

As a Harvard-trained educator, PhD researcher, MBA consultant to Fortune 500 companies, executive coach, fitness trainer, FirstGen, and founder/CEO, Dr. Jenny Woo expertly melds rigorous research with real-world insights and relatable storytelling.

With her unique blend of expertise and experience, Dr. Woo's experiential talks and hands-on workshops are deeply authentic, actionable, timely -- and inspiring.

She is a frequent speaker in corporate, academic, and nonprofit sectors, covering a range of topics including EQ, mental health, resilience, entrepreneurship, child development, motherhood, work-life, and leadership.

Scroll down for a sample of Dr. Woo's speaking engagements by WORKPLACE, COMMUNITY, and SCHOOL.




"There’s a fine line between working on your likability and ease of connection versus people-pleasing, which can be detrimental," Woo adds.

In the workplace, Woo says likability increases when people give credit where it’s due. “It’s about sharing the spotlight,” she says.

Some people feel like they need to “code switch” or hide or change some aspect of themselves to fit in or not seem threatening. That can take its toll, Woo says. However, that awareness can also help you handle issues when they arise—and leave a memorable impression when you break through stereotypes or preconceived notions and achieve connection and understanding, she says.

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With her distinct insights and success, Woo's approach to managing gender bias through emotional intelligence provides critical strategies for others encountering similar professional hurdles. "As an Asian American female, I rely heavily on my emotional intelligence skills to navigate and influence others' perceptions and assumptions of me. They don't teach these skills in school: the ability to read a room, establish rapport with individuals from diverse backgrounds, defuse tension and distrust, and appear assertive without being perceived as aggressive."

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Gen Zers and millennials consistently ask Woo to explain how to set boundaries with their older managers. “Younger generations experiencing higher stress and mental health challenges find it more difficult to engage effectively with managers from older generations, who may have different approaches to work and communication,” Woo says. “Older managers struggle to adapt to younger employees’ expectations and work habits, and vice versa.”

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“You can imagine, the typical water cooler conversations and interactions with human coworkers are less existent when you are allocated to working with computer screens,” Woo said. “So what the study, hot off the press, has really found is that mental health has taken an impact, predominantly because of an increased sense of loneliness by these AI researchers and workers.”

Along with loneliness, Woo says other behaviors observed among AI researchers were insomnia and an increase in alcohol consumption.


“What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up?”
This question can spark fun and introspection, says Jenny Woo, who teaches emotional intelligence at the University of California, Irvine, and created 52 Essential Conversations, a social-emotional learning card game. (She also tried rock climbing recently for the first time, and loved it.) Don’t forget the built-in follow-up question, Woo advises: “What’s stopping you?” You’ll learn an interesting tidbit and might inspire your conversation partner to carve out time for a new interest.

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You don't have to hide who you are to succeed. “Personalities shape our self-perception, how others perceive us, and our interpersonal interactions in the workplace, which are crucial to career progression and satisfaction,” explains Jenny Woo, PhD, founder and CEO of Mind Brain Emotion. “Our personality traits are the lens through which we gauge our capabilities and interests, guiding us toward career choices that resonate with our individual dispositions,” she adds.

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It can be difficult to predict or recognize the early signs of emotional distress, according to Jenny Woo.

“Take a few minutes each day to reflect on your feelings and the things that annoyed you,” she tells Yahoo Life. “This frequent emotional check-in will help you detect negative thinking patterns and personal triggers. Practicingmindfulnessand meditation will also help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings as they occur in real time.”

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Consider Jenny Woo, the founder and CEO of Mind Brain Emotion. She funded the production of the minimum viable products (MVP) through Kickstarter campaigns. Her initial campaign was overfunded by 700 percent.

"Crowdfunding enabled me to raise capital quickly and turn my funders into brand ambassadors," she says. "I engaged with my backers from day one and shared my entrepreneurial progress long after the campaign ended."

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“This is especially important when brainstorming difficult topics such as turnovers, project slippage, and product defects,” Woo says.

“When I’m facilitating a brainstorming session online, I ask all participants to type out their ideas in chat,” she says. “Then, everyone presses ‘send’ simultaneously.”

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It was a delight to have Jenny Woo speak with our Accenture community about the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in an age of Artificial Intelligence. Her expertise and insight was helpful to consider in leading teams through change, at individual and organizational levels.

Jenny’s experience working within both corporate business and academia research results in relevant examples on how to apply and grow EI for better business outcomes and cultivating connected teams. Jenny is an engaging speaker who is both confident and approachable. After the event, a handful of us sat around a table with her for nearly an hour discussing other real-life examples, implications, and ways to further apply her EI concepts!

I recommend Jenny Woo to anyone looking to expand Emotional Intelligence awareness and strength within their organization, or individually as a leader. She is a true expert and professional, and a pleasure of a person.

Accenture, North America Townhall

Thania Villatoro, Global Strategic Programs

Jenny did a daylong workshop on EQ for my team at Google. It was engaging, informative (with lots of research I hadn't heard elsewhere), and very practical.

Furthermore, due to her diverse experience, Jenny is very aware of the broader business context, and can speak from a place of knowledge and experience on how her concepts should apply in the business world.

Google, Day-long Leadership Training

Newton Cheng, Director of Health & Performance

I had the privilege of collaborating with Jenny for an emotional intelligence and mental health awareness event at our company. I must say it was an outstanding and enlightening experience. Jenny truly demonstrated her expertise in these areas, and the feedback from our employees was overwhelmingly positive. Jenny had a unique ability to connect with the audience, making a complex and often sensitive topic genuinely engaging. Her insights and guidance resonated with everyone, and the wealth of compelling data and real-world examples that made the topic more tangible for all of us. This approach ensured that everyone left with a clear understanding of the importance of emotional intelligence and mental health awareness in the workplace.

I highly recommend Jenny to any organization seeking to enhance the emotional intelligence and mental health awareness of their employees.

Hyundai Capital America

Johnny Lee, Senior Manager

I thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with Jenny at a recent Device Alliance event, where Jenny served as a panelist providing insights and recommendations to help women turn obstacles into opportunities.

Jenny was a passionate and engaging speaker, and her real-world examples of breaking down barriers were very helpful for women exploring how to advance their careers.

Edwards LifeSciences

Laura Egan, SVP Finance,

Jenny Woo was the perfect speaker to kick off this year's Culture Summit! Her thought-provoking talk on the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership really resonated with me. I was blown away by the depth of her research and the practical tools she provided for developing this essential skill. Her card decks, such as the 52 Coping Skills and 52 Essential Relationship Skills, are game-changers and I can't wait to incorporate them into my own work.

Jenny's engaging and approachable style made the talk feel like a conversation with a trusted friend, and her ability to connect with the audience was truly impressive. She has a gift for making complex concepts accessible and actionable, and her passion for her work is infectious. I highly recommend Jenny Woo as a speaker for anyone looking to tap into the power of emotional intelligence and take their leadership skills to the next level.


Anne Brocchini, Global Advisor




“Humming acts like a natural stress reliever," Woo tells Yahoo Life. "When we hum, the vibrations we generate stimulate the vagus nerve, one of the key players in our body's relaxation response. This can lead to a lower heart rate and blood pressure and help us to calm our body and mind. Humming was also found to lower our stress index and improve heart rate variability, which benefits overall cardiovascular health. The essence of its effectiveness lies in being mindful and consistent with your approach."

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"While sharing is nice and fun, no one is obligated to pack extras to share with others." says Woo, who also suggests emphasizing to your child that the food portion in their lunchbox is meant to give them energy for the rest of the school day.

"If kids continue to pester you, then encourage your child to come up with "out-of-the-lunch box" thinking about how to make their lunchtime enjoyable and stress-free," Woo says. "For example: still pack 'fun' snacks that your child loves, but in less flashy packaging to attract less attention."

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Also known as rough-and-tumble play, roughhousing is a type of physical activity that includes activities like wrestling, pillow fights, tumbling, and fighting for fun, says Dr. Woo "Yes, engaging in roughhouse play can help children become more confident and well-adjusted adults," Dr. Woo says. Research also shows "roughhousing with fathers can help kids manage aggressive impulses and learn to control their emotions during physical activity," Dr. Woo says. "Roughhousing should never result in bruises and injuries, significant discomfort, or fear," adds Dr. Woo.

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When our days are filled with so many stressors and stimuli, especially from the screens in our pockets, it often feels like everyone is short on time and patience, no matter how old you are. It can be hard to fully and genuinely engage with one another. 

As a Harvard-trained EQ researcher and mom of three, I understand from both my professional experience and personal struggles how tough it can be to raise emotionally intelligent kids right now, especially when our attention spans are so divided. Here are three phrases I say to my kids to help them become more emotionally intelligent:

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“Peer pressure can begin as early as the preschool years when children are first exposed to peer dynamics outside the family. However, it tends to become much more pronounced and frequent during the preteen and teenage years.” As for why it’s so effective, Dr. Woo says this has to do with the fact that the adolescent brain is still evolving.

Dr. Woo adds that it can be helpful to role-play various scenarios at home. “Teaching children about the power of choice and helping them develop a strong sense of self can empower them to resist negative peer pressure,” she says. “Open communication about daily experiences can help kids and teens feel supported when they decide not to go along with the crowd.”

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Dr. Jenny Woo describes parental phubbing as the habit of parents focusing on their phones instead of interacting with or paying attention to their children. A 2022 study showed that parental phubbing was significantly correlated with parent–child attachment, ego depletion, and learning burnout.

“When parents need to use their phones while with their children in these spaces, they can explain what they’re using them for, demonstrating that it’s for a specific purpose rather than the act of aimlessly scrolling and browsing,” she adds. 

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“We make it a bonding family experience. Once a week during dinner—or dessert—we spend five minutes writing down things we’re grateful for on separate, colorful Post-It Notes,” Dr. Woo explains.

“I’ve noticed better attitudes and manners in my kids. They express more words of appreciation and are gentler toward each other,” she explains. “There have been times when my kids go into a gratitude journaling session as disgruntled siblings, complaining about each other, and leave as cheerful playmates full of silly giggles.”

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“Parents, educators and health care practitioners must not assume that all children are impacted in the same way and to the same degree,” Woo says. “We must account for social, economic, racial and household factors.”

“Quality time and interaction between parents and preschoolers can not only buffer pandemic learning loss but also accelerate children’s cognitive development, as demonstrated in this study,” she says.

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“It’s that back-and-forth element that needs to stay on track. If someone digresses or isn’t really answering [the] question or relating to someone talking, then that’s when it gets awkward.”

"While you may assume a strong conversation is simply based on content, it also involves other non-verbal cues — like being an active listener or responding with your body language.” We’ve all been in a conversation with someone who seems to be distracted or starts looking at their phone. This can easily deter us from wanting to continue the conversation.

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Jenny gave a wonderful workshop to more than 300 Harvard Graduate School of Education alumni and students on Emotional Intelligence and its role in career readiness. She is an engaging speaker who combines actionable recommendations backed by the latest research in this field. Our audience was captivated by her session and have since requested additional sessions with Jenny to build off the knowledge they gained from her first session. I would highly recommend Jenny for any audience that could use some time devoted to thinking about their emotional intelligence and how it shows up in their daily lives.

Harvard University

Emily Williams, Director

Jenny was a speaker on the Resilience Panel at the Pretend City Start Smart Luncheon in March 2023. To say she was a speaker is such an understatement. Jenny was phenomenal! She is so smart and shares her great knowledge in the most accessible ways. She commands presence in the most warm and inviting way. Everyone on the panel loved working with and learning from her. She is sincere and generous with her time and her wisdom. I highly recommend Jenny as a speaker or panelist. I can't wait to find the next opportunity to work with her!

Pretend City Children's Museum

Ellen Pais, Executive Director

Dr. Jenny Woo doesn't just deliver content; she crafts high-quality, high-impact learning experiences that redefine how we understand and utilize emotional intelligence.

Having previously experienced one of her workshops at the EAOP Leadership Development Institute, I knew our college advisers were in for a real treat. Dr. Woo's workshops are distinguished by her ability to blend theoretical knowledge with practical application seamlessly. Dr. Woo has an infectious passion for fostering inclusivity and bringing together people and resources. Workshop aside, I had the opportunity to engage in some casual conversation with Dr. Woo, and it was clear that her work and passion for emotional intelligence were not simply in the dissemination of knowledge but also in the opportunity to foster meaningful connections with those she meets and works with.

UC Berkeley

Brian Brown, Assistant Director

Dr. Woo is a fantastic presenter focused on emotional intelligence and resiliency. These topics are of great importance as we work to create a level of normalcy for our students post-pandemic. Her presentation was well received by the audience and certainly had an impact on the educators in attendance as well. I highly recommend her!

Hillsborough City School District

Louann Carlomagno, Ed.D., Superintendent

Jenny and I worked together to host social-emotional learning (SEL) workshops for Bay Area parents. I relied on Jenny's expertise to educate parents on the principles of SEL, guide them in taking tangible action, and answer their (often difficult) questions. Jenny was thorough, professional, and delivered engaging presentations that surpassed even our expectations. I would gladly partner with Jenny again and recommend her to anyone considering doing the same.

Jewish Family and Children’s Services

Jeff Weiner, Director of Public Policy

Dr. Woo provided a talk on How to Teach the Essential Human Skills in the Age of AI at the Student Mental Wellness Conference in September 2023. It was helpful to learn about current data on AI and how it is impacting students' mental health, while also providing tangible tools to address the gap that our technology is creating for young people. I would recommend her talks to anyone interested in the topic.

Tri-City SELPA

Stacy Low, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Dr. Woo recently presented at our Annual Children’s Mental Health Symposium. Her topic was “How to Support Children’s Social and Emotional Development.”Dr. Woo was incredibly knowledgeable, engaging and compassionate. Participants came away with a wealth of knowledge and a toolbox of strategies.Dr. Woo is a gifted speaker and an absolute expert in the field of social and emotional development.

Institute of Child Psychology

Tania Johnson, Co-Founder, Psychologist


Jenny Woo presented on "Essential Conversations to Inspire"in our Vail, Colorado community. The feedback from participants said that it was their favorite parent education talk of the year and that the card decks that Jenny has created will be game changing tools towards engagement with their children. I HIGHLY recommend Jenny- fantastic presenter, empathetic listener and her card deck is a MUST for counselors, teachers and parents.

Mountain Youth

Amy Baker, Family Education Manager, Mental Health Clinician

I got the pleasure of assisting Jenny Woo during her presentation for the 2020 California Student Mental Wellness Conference. Her presentation, How to Help Students Take Charge of Their Sense of Belonging, was filled with research findings, important data, and helpful personal insights from Jenny's long career of working with students. Even though she had to present over Zoom (hello, 2020!), Jenny remained incredibly engaging and effective in her communication. The material presented was relevant to the specific challenges of how to navigate belonging, connection, and social-emotional learning in the midst of a pandemic. The audience of school psychologists, district administrators, and mental health professionals expressed their gratitude for the knowledge she shared. It was evident Jenny is quite an expert on the subject and knows her stuff. I greatly enjoyed supporting her through this presentation and hope our paths cross in the future!

Wellness Together School Mental Health

Mandy Schmidt, MA, LMFT