Stephanie Cartin

Stephanie Cartin, 39, Infertility
How would you explain infertility to a child?
I have a health challenge that makes it more challenging for me to have a baby. I may have to go to lots of doctor appointments and try different things in order for my body to create a safe space for a baby in my body. It is also possible that even with all of the special treatments and appointments I may not be able to have a baby and will look for other ways to do so.
What do you want the world to know about infertility?
I want the world to know that even though I have been through challenges with infertility, there are always resources and new things being developed to help those that have these challenges and to never give up hope.
What does it feel like to live with infertility?
Going through infertility when I was trying to have a baby was very hard and sad at times. I held onto hope and looked for lots of connections and resources to help me find answers that led to me being able to have a beautiful baby girl. It is important to be supportive of people that are going through infertility challenges.
What brings you joy?
What brings me joy in life is my family and helping others. I love spending time outdoors and enjoying the sunshine in Florida.
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