Kaitlin Cruickshank

Kaitlin Cruickshank

Kaitlin Cruickshank, 30, Limb Different

How would you explain limb differences to a child?

When discussing my limb difference with a child, I often say “I was born unique! What makes you unique?” And try to steer the conversation to how everyone has differences, mine is just extra different!

What would you want the world to know about limb differences?

I would want the world to know that although I was born without my left hand, I am not “missing” anything. To me, my body is whole and I only feel different when others point it out.

What does it feel like to live with limb difference

I used to be very insecure and hid my arm from the world. But now, I love that I’m different, being the same would be so boring.

What brings you joy?

I find joy in meeting and connecting with kids who have differences or disabilities. I didn’t have a role model who looked like me when I was younger, so I strive to be that for a kid if I have the opportunity. Visibility and inclusion truly changes the perception of disabilities. I never saw someone who looked like me in the media as a kid. Kids with disabilities now won’t have that same experience, and that brings me joy.

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