Bianca Faith Johnson

Bianca Faith Johnson

Bianca Faith Johnson, J.D., 31, T4/T6 Paraplegic/Spinal Cord Injury

How would you explain having a Spinal Cord Injury?

I was one of the BEST motorcycle riders around. However, because of a really bad accident, I hurt my spinal cord. As a result, the signals that my brain used to send to my legs to let them know when to move or walk, no longer work and I now use a wheelchair full-time. 

Bianca Faith Johnson Bianca Faith Johnson

What would you want the world to know about having a Spinal Cord Injury?

I would want the world to know that just because I have a Spinal Cord Injury, does not mean that I am not as amazing, educated, or talented as anyone else. My Spinal Cord Injury does not define me, it enhances me! And I have been able to "Roll" through doors that I would have never been able to Walkthrough!

What does it feel like to live with Paralysis?

Physically, It feels like my legs are trapped under a big rock that I can't seem to move. Emotionally, it feels like I am constantly fighting to get others to notice me and accept me like everyone else. However, even though every day is not a good day, I make the choice to get up, get dressed, and live my best life because you only have one life to LIVE! 

What brings you joy?

What brings me joy is proving others WRONG! I love to achieve a goal or activity that someone told me I would not be able to do because it lets them know that just because I am different that does not mean that I am not ABLE! Oh, and FOOD! Food always puts a smile on my face :)


  • Margaret Rice

    You was a definite inspiration to me when u pastured at our SPBC ur sermon was amazing and u showed me that even though I didn’t know u,u are an amazing young lady full of life and love the Lord u keep rocking it out Ms Bianca,with God’s love and the way u think u could never fail,love in faith Ms.Margaret Rice

  • Cynthia Bangs

    The very first time I met you I knew that you were something special. Continue to shine. Congratulations

  • Renee Clement

    You’re amazing

  • Sharon Johnson

    My beautiful niece. you had a motorcycle accident but you did not let that define you!! You fell down but you got up running and haven’t stopped yet you are my Shero!! Love you to the moon and back🌷❤️🙏🏾

  • Korey

    I love her! She’s so great.

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